【網上講堂Micro module】張恆鏘博士:解剖「心靈」-從裂腦手術窺探意識的秘密 Understanding “Mind” – a Peek on the Secret of Consciousness with Split Brain Surgery

derek1 (Time 0_01_29;25)

題目Title:解剖「心靈」 - 從裂腦手術窺探意識的秘密(Understanding “mind” – a peek on the secret of consciousness with split brain surgery)


語言Language:廣東話、普通話,English version is also available

平台Platform:與自然對話 – 網上輔助課堂In Dialogue with Nature – Supplementary courseware


相關文本 Related to Book Chapter:In Dialogue with Nature – Text 8 – In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind / Eric R. Kandel


Some patients severely affected by seizures will undergo corpus callosotomy, a brain splitting procedure involving the severing of the two hemispheres. After the surgery, the patients show abnormal patterns of behaviour, for example, when doing grocery at the supermarket, their left hand and right hand seem to have different “preferences”, and their hands have different opinions too when the patient is putting on clothes. To this, many neuroscientists have done different tests, and they found that this phenomenon might be caused by the different functions that the left and right brains are responsible for.

In this micro module, Dr. CHEUNG Hang Cheong leads us to re-examine the familiar concept of “consciousness” by looking at the phenomenon in patients with split brain. Do souls exist? What are soul and body responsible for? Is such a mind-body divison real?






English version:



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*** You need to register a free KEEP account for accessing these videos. A short introduction is presented below. 


文科人覺得讀《與自然對話》好困難?想知多些文章背後的背景? 與自然對話 – 網上輔助課堂幫到你!

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這些網上輔助課堂都是《與自然對話》的老師精心設計,他們有見同學和老師往往反映一小時的講課並不足以完整地交代文本的相關背景,同學自行閱讀文本時亦常遇上困難。因此,老師經常會使用了導修的大部分時間來解釋文本內容,而未能把時間有效投放於討論核心問題。與自然對話 – 網上輔助課堂就每一經典篇章製作了一系列短片,補足文本的相關背景,以助同學充分理解文本。老師和同學得以善用寶貴的導修時間,來深入探討及反思核心問題,連繫自身及當今處境。

想知更多,立即註冊進入與自然對話 – 網上輔助課堂!(需要註冊一個免費的KEEP account下面有一個簡單的User guide)

UGFN1000, In Dialogue with Nature, requires students to read science-related classics on their own and to discuss the core questions brought up by the classics that are enduring in the history of human civilizations. As a 3-unit course, each week, a 1-hour session of lecture and a 2-hour session of interactive tutorial are dedicated for each of the 11 classics within UGFN syllabus. However, teachers and students often reported that the 1-hour lecture is insufficient to provide necessary background knowledge for the students to handle the specific classic text on their own. It is common that most of the time in the 2-hour interactive tutorial is used not for the discussion of the core questions but for the comprehension of the textual meaning of the classics.

The “In Dialogue with Nature – Supplementary courseware” website contains a suite of micro-modules for each classics. The basic idea is to have the micro-modules to give further background knowledge to the students in various aspects related to the comprehension of each specific classic text in addition to the corresponding 1-hour lecture. This allows freeing up the 2 hours invaluable face-to-face teacher-student interactive tutorial for deeper discussions and reflections on the core questions and be able to relate them to modern issues and themselves.

As of 2016/17 Term 1, the website includes: two types of materials:
  1) In Text 3-5, the materials are designed to give extra help on students with little prior knowledge on Physics, Biology and Chemistry.  
  2) In Text 7-11, there are videos on further explanations of the background, special topics, interesting issues that are related to each text.

如何使用  User guide


This platform is now available for CUHK staff and students only. Please read the instruction guide here (SID and CWEM password are needed).


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